Falcon Audio Visual Arts - Live Streamed House Concerts October 13 2020

Falcon Audio Visual Arts are now presenting a new monthly folk music focused live-streamed house concert series. Recent shows included Linda Hardcastle & Alan Rose and also ex-Battlefield man Alistair Russell (pictured left).
As is usual with house concerts, they're free to view, but anyone wishing to support the artists can make a voluntary contribution via a virtual tip jar (paypal.me/tulip0852).
You can donate before, during, and up to a week after the show and 90% of these tips will go to the artists or their designated beneficiaries with 10% going to the studio for overhead expenses. These donations can be made securely in any denomination/currency via PayPal (you don't need to have a PayPal account to donate). We would urge you to donate if you can; with no 'normal' shows on the horizon at present, artists need our support more than ever just now!
The Falcon Audio Visual Arts shows are streamed live from the home and studio of Janie Meneely & Rob van Sante in Whitby, who recognised the current need for a direct connection between artist & audience. Both musicians themselves, they have created a welcoming and unique space where they can provide a high-quality link between folk musicians and fans. Rob was Battlefield Band's highly regarded sound engineer for many years on the road, so the technical aspects of the video and audio won't be in question. The pair plan to present a monthly concert for the foreseeable future and hopefully the series will become a fixture with world-wide folk audiences for many years to come.
You can find archived shows and sign up for a mailing list at: www.falconaudiovisualarts.co.uk
Watch live shows at: www.youtube.com/user/Tulip0852/live
(you can tune in up to 15 mins before the start time, and any time during the show)