Battlefield Band's recording of Robert Burns' - 'To a Mouse' January 25 2019

To celebrate the Bard of Ayrshire, here's Battlefield Band's musical take on 'To a Mouse', one of Robert Burns' best-loved poems, set to a melody by Alan Reid. This recording is taken from Battlefield Band's album 'The Road of Tears', and you can find this album, plus others featuring a musical approach to Burns' work, in our Robert Burns Collection

As Seamus Heaney once said of this poem  '...the great thing about it is the way it can warm the heart and face the music at the same time’

This song also appears in the award winning show 'Glasgow Girls', a life-affirming Scottish drama based on the true story of teenagers whose lives change forever when their school friend and her asylum-seeking family are forcibly taken from their home to be deported. You can find out more about Glasgow Girls, including the most recent show dates, here.