Digital Downloads

Why not try a free test download?
In order to allow you to practice the downloading/unzipping/importing procedure, and make sure you're comfortable with it, we've made a free sampler download available here, with some great tracks from our back catalogue, Just add it to your cart & checkout as normal. You won't be asked for payment details. Enjoy, and then come back for more!
All downloads now include the album sleevenotes.
Temple Records and the artists on the label have always spent a long time preparing album sleevenotes, which contain lots of information about the tunes, songs and musicians. We view this as a really valuable part of the package when you buy an album; something that can often get overlooked with the downloading experience.
Downloading Guide & FAQ - please have a read
You can find information on the downloading procedure and some frequently asked questions about our digital downloads here. If you're downloading from us for the first time, then please do have a quick look here first.
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